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首页 > 新闻中心 > 济南温室大棚采摘使用草莓立体种植槽有什么好处
发布时间:2020-09-10        浏览次数:75        返回列表



What are the benefits of using strawberry three-dimensional planting troughs for greenhouse picking in Jinan 

In recent years, greenhouse picking, Greenhouse gardens have become a trend, So that the flower seedbed, Greenhouse seedbed, The demand for mobile seedbeds is also increasing. Its service life is directly related to the service life of greenhouses. The technology adopted by Huayao Agricultural Facilities in Hengshui, Hebei Province, including overall hot galvanizing and frame aluminum alloy, has a service life of up to 20 years and can be customized in specifications. We have our own design team to provide solutions and make full use of every space in greenhouses. Xian Jin's watering technology brings you high yield, income increase and time and labor saving. 

Strawberry three-dimensional planting trough who use who say good, strawberry planting trough, PVC strawberry trough can be customized 


The strawberry three-dimensional planting trough method can make full use of the space of the greenhouse, increase the number of grass planting, increase the output per unit area, obtain high yield, and also reduce the labor cost by about half. Not only that, the greater advantage of the three-dimensional planting mode is that it is convenient for management and protection and tourists to pick. Tourists can easily pick in the three-dimensional picking shed without bending down and shuttling upright between the greenhouses.